AML-regulated users

Companies Zone is a non-commercial project. While we take reasonable care to ensure the accuracy of our data, we do not make any such guarantees. We further do not guarantee that our services are suitable or sufficient for any particular use case. While we do not charge for any of our services, we ask that you consider sponsoring or otherwise supporting the project. Please contact us for options.


Users must work for a company which is:

  1. Subject to the UK Money Laundering Regulations 2017, or equivalent legislation abroad;

  2. Subject to supervision by

    1. a national or state regulatory authority, such as the Financial Conduct Authority or HM Revenue & Customs in the UK; or

    2. a professional body recognized by a national or state regulatory authority as a supervisor for anti-money laundering purposes, such as those supervised by the Office for Professional Body Anti-Money Laundering Supervision (OPBAS) in the UK

  3. and Subject to supervision by and, where applicable, registration with

    1. A local data protection authority, such as the Information Commissioner's Office in the UK; or

    2. If the company is not subject to supervision for data protection purposes by its local government, the UK's Information Commissioner's Office


Accounts in this user group must only be used to carry out due diligence for the prevention of fraud, money laundering, terrorist financing and proliferation financing. Further, data retrieved by these accounts must only be used by the organization internally and must not be shared except with other companies who hold active accounts in this user group and users' regulators. If you use Companies Zone for multiple use cases, or if you need to share the information with other companies, you must register a second user account for these activities.

Data provided by Companies Zone must never be used to make credit decisions.


Subject to rare discretionary exceptions, accounts in this user group can circumvent all redactions and search restrictions except those mandated by law.

Last updated