Privacy FAQ

Why does my data appear on Companies Zone?

Companies Zone is a website that allows access to a set of databases built upon public records. We collect and publish data on companies, partnerships, trusts and other legal entities, and their owners, managers and officers. Our website contains no non-public data.

How did you get my data?

You can find information about our data sources at

How do I request my data to be deleted from your website?

We do not usually delete data about most people in our database because the data is already publicly available in our data sources and we believe that it is in the public interest for it to be freely available and easily searchable.

We do recognize however that, because our website makes discovering information easier, certain people who are at increased risk of violence or harassment may have an interest in their information not being available on our website, even if it is still publicly available in our data sources. To protect these people, we operate a redaction and search restriction system which you can learn about at

Last updated